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Dongeng Anak Cerita Semut, Ulat Dan Kancil

Mari selamatkan budaya membaca content positif . Dongeng untuk anak judul cerita Semut, ulat dan kancil . Awal cerita, dipagi hari yang cerah sekali. Seekor Semut sedang berjalan kesana kemari seda…

Anakku, Guruku

"Anakku, Guruku" Penyejuk hati, penenang jiwa.  Anak adalah anugerah dan amanah dari Allah swt yang harus dipertanggungjawabkan oleh setiap orang tua dalam merawat, mengasuh dan mendidiknya…

Mengelola Emosi di Masa Pandemi

Bsimillahirrahmaanirrahiim... Karena ada beberapa teman yang request untuk dibuatkan tulisan yang berkaitan dengan corona, Insya Allah kali ini akan membahas mengenai " Mengelola Emosi di Masa…

Ibu Baru

Bismillahirrahmaanirrahiim... Setelah ribuan purnama tidak menulis, tepat satu tahun usia Arumi Insya Allah mamak akan mencoba belajar lagi untuk merangkai kata demi kata agar dapat dibaca dan semoga…

Sheng Yuan SY752: Star Soldier Mobile Suit Gundam Nu Bust Preview

I love the Nu Gundam  but he's not the Nu Gundam without his Fin Funnel equipment. It's worth noting that Sheng Yuan also previewed the Unicorn Gundam and Sinanju as highly-detailed busts li…

DTB DTB135: Shatter (Mutant) Minifig MOC

First found out about him in The Gifted; that was a pretty decent show about Mutants if you ask me, too bad it's over. He was teammates with Blink that's why she's on the picture too. He&…

Sembo 607300-607303: Jackie Chan DC Racing/David Cheng Racing 1:32 Racing Car Builds Preview

Sembo 607300 Sembo 607301 Sembo 607302 Sembo 607303 Sembo 607304 Looks like Sembo has really stuck with their own sembofigs. As for the set though, we can't be for sure but maybe these are offici…

Sheng Yuan SY801002: Lovely Pets Various Dog Brick Builds Preview

These look adorable! Especially liking that Corgi! Hoping to see a Bulldog too, or even a Pug, that I can also repurpose into a Lockjaw MOC! Where to buy? Try our affiliate link: http://s.click.aliex…
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